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Name Type Description Notes
key str [readonly]
created datetime [readonly]
name str A free-form name for the API key. Need not be unique. 50 characters max. [optional]
expiry_date datetime Once API key expires, clients cannot use it anymore. [readonly]
revoked bool [readonly]
message str [readonly]


from avis_client.models.user_api_key_create import UserAPIKeyCreate

# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of UserAPIKeyCreate from a JSON string
user_api_key_create_instance = UserAPIKeyCreate.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
print UserAPIKeyCreate.to_json()

# convert the object into a dict
user_api_key_create_dict = user_api_key_create_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of UserAPIKeyCreate from a dict
user_api_key_create_form_dict = user_api_key_create.from_dict(user_api_key_create_dict)
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